RH-028 | 1CD | FRITZ KREISLER | American portrait
Rhine Classics

RH-028 | 1CD | FRITZ KREISLER | American portrait

Regular price €18.00
« It is not generally known that Kreisler, one of the world’s greatest violinists, might perhaps, had he chosen, have attained equal fame as a pianist. That he plays the piano delightfully is shown in the recordings he has made of his own compositions for the Ampico. In them he displays the great artist that he is, in his exquisite phrasing and tastefully planned effects. These recordings are instinct with the same fascination exerted by his wonderful interpretations on the violin. To hear Kreisler, the violinist, is the privilege of the whole concert going world - to hear Kreisler, the pianist, is the exclusive privilege of the owner of an Ampico. »
Rhine Classics | Catalogue No: RH-028 | EAN/barcode: 4713106280288 | 1CD | T.T. 61:33 | 16 pages booklet | ℗ & © 2024

complete AMPICO piano rolls
Kreisler plays KREISLER | piano
• Apple Blossoms: “Nancy’s Farewell”
• Apple Blossoms: “I’m in Love”
• Liebesfreud
• Schön Rosmarin
• The Old Refrain
• Caprice Viennois, Op.2
• Toy Soldier’s March
• Viennese Melody
• Paradise (Alexander Krakauer)
• Rêve de Jeunesse (Felix Winternitz)
• Polichinelle
• Entr’Acte, Op.46/2 (Walter Kramer)
• Midnight Bells (Richard Heuberger)
• Petite Valse
studio | New York | 1919-1927

in concert for President F. D. Roosevelt
Kreisler plays KREISLER | violin
• La Gitana
• Caprice Viennois
• Schön Rosmarin
+ off-the-record speech by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
NBC Symphony Orchestra | Frank Black
live | Washington D.C. | 9.XI.1940


Fritz Kreisler (Vienna, 2 February 1875 — New York, 29 January 1962)
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